



平衡民生与支出 香港特区政府审慎调整“二元优惠计划”


Chinese premier welcomes foreign firms to invest in China

发布时间:   来源: Xinhua

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday welcomed foreign companies to continue investing in China as he met with President of the European Council Charles Michel in Beijing.

Calling on both sides to open up further to each other, Li said China will always remain committed to its basic state policy of opening up. It will continue to foster a market-based and law-based international business environment, and treat all types of companies equally and fairly.

Li said China will steadily open its financial sector and encourage more investment from qualified foreign institutional investors, while maintaining domestic financial stability.

China will strive to maintain the basic stability of the exchange rate of Chinese currency, the renminbi (RMB), and keep it at a reasonable and balanced level, he said.

China is ready to boost cooperation with the European Union on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and handle differences properly to promote the sound and steady development of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership, Li said, stressing that China hopes to see a united and prosperous EU.

Both sides agreed to protect free trade and the stability of international supply chains, and jointly address climate change, energy security and other global challenges.

They exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis. Li said that China backs every effort to resolve the crisis peacefully and will continue to play a constructive role.

Michel said the EU follows the one-China policy and looks forward to making the latest EU-China leaders' meeting a success.

Michel expressed his deep condolences over the passing of Comrade Jiang Zemin, for which Li expressed thanks. 

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